My experience as a Curator of The Graph Network
I’m not very savvy in programming or any other special technical knowledge, but I was interested in trying it out.
So, the Curator journey contains four phases:
Phase 1. Familiar with Everest.
Curators were familiar with Everest, played around with subgraphs, supported the community, and suggested improvements to The Graph ecosystem.
My Medium article about Everest can find here
Phase 2. Evaluating subgraphs.
To be an effective Curator we need to understand how subgraphs work, how applications are using them, and how to grow and organize the collection of subgraphs on The Graph.
In Phase 2 Curators focused on evaluating subgraphs in Graph Explorer, diving deeper into how they work, and assessing the quality of Web3 data.
Curators learned about subgraphs and helped others see through the subgraph portal too by creating content about subgraphs. We created guides, tutorials, blogs, podcasts, and more, to help the Curators better understand subgraphs.
Not only am I faced with the complexities of understanding the GraphQL query language (and Type Script for that matter), I also need to delve deep into understanding the 5 subgraphs (and associated protocols) in question.
My tutorial for Curators about Subgraph Evaluation is here
Phase 3. Building subgraphs.
Curators are asked to build subgraphs and help others create them Curators focused on using and building subgraphs, diving deeper into how their parts work, and consuming subgraphs.
In addition to building subgraphs, we could start by simply defining and sharing schemas for subgraphs that we think should be built.
It was the hardest phase for me as a non-tech curator. But, I did it and created the tutorial for others how easily to Build a Subgraph via Contract on Windows for a Non-Tech Curators
Phase 4. Feedback about The Graph Network.
Phase 4 of the Curator Program is focused on the future of The Graph and how we can get there together!
Curators should say about the future of data on The Graph, why we believe in The Graph and how the protocol can be improved.
And I believe in this project, that is why it is easy to give feedback because The Graph is the most exciting project I have seen in the crypto space.
Together, curators made big progress in developing subgraphs, evaluating existing ones, and establishing contacts with projects.