Exploring Oracles in Blockchain with Supra

Nina Drokina
6 min readMar 4, 2024

Hey there! I’m Nina, and today we’re diving into the captivating world of blockchain oracles and their pivotal role in revolutionizing decentralized ecosystems. As we navigate through this article, we’ll uncover how oracles bridge the gap between real-world data and blockchain smart contracts, opening doors to a plethora of innovative use cases.

Understanding Oracles:

Before we delve deeper, let’s grasp the essence of blockchain oracles. In the realm of decentralized networks, smart contracts execute predefined actions based on predetermined conditions. However, they lack the ability to access real-world data, hindering their functionality in scenarios requiring external information. Enter oracles — the missing link between blockchain and off-chain data sources. These specialized entities retrieve, verify, and transmit external data to smart contracts, enabling seamless integration with real-world events.

Types of Blockchain Oracles:

  1. Software Oracles: these oracles rely on software algorithms to gather and verify data from various sources, including APIs, websites, and databases. They are commonly used for obtaining real-time information such as weather updates, stock prices, or sports scores.
  2. Hardware Oracles: hardware oracles involve physical devices that interface between the blockchain and the real world. These devices can collect data from sensors, IoT devices, or other physical sources, providing information such as temperature readings, location data, or machine statuses.
  3. Consensus-based Oracles: consensus-based oracles utilize a network of independent nodes to collectively verify and validate external data before transmitting it to the blockchain. This approach enhances security and reliability by requiring a consensus among multiple sources.
  4. Decentralized Oracles: decentralized oracles leverage decentralized networks or protocols to retrieve and verify data from multiple sources. These oracles aim to eliminate single points of failure and reduce the risk of manipulation or censorship.

Understanding Supra Oracle:

Supra Oracle is at the forefront of blockchain innovation, providing a vital link between decentralized applications and external data sources. Unlike traditional oracles, Supra leverages cutting-edge technology to ensure the integrity, security, and reliability of data transmitted to blockchain networks.

Supra Oracle use cases:

Now, let’s explore some real-world use cases where Supra Oracle is driving innovation and unlocking new possibilities in decentralized applications:

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Supra Oracle plays a crucial role in providing price feeds for decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, and automated market makers, ensuring fair and efficient trading environments.
  2. Supply Chain Management: with Supra Oracle, blockchain-based supply chain solutions can access real-time data on product origins, shipping routes, and inventory levels, enabling transparent and traceable supply chains.
  3. Insurance: Supra Oracle enables parametric insurance solutions by providing accurate data on weather conditions, natural disasters, and other relevant parameters, facilitating fast and automated claims processing.
  4. Gaming and NFTs: in the gaming industry, Supra Oracle powers provably fair gaming platforms and enables dynamic in-game economies. Additionally, in the NFT space, Supra Oracle provides verifiable data for digital asset authentication and ownership verification.

Let’s consider the diverse use cases of Supra Oracle in more detail:

  1. Cross-chain Gaming: bring users from different blockchain networks together in one game with real-time communication enabled by Supra Oracles.
  2. Luck-based Gaming: use Supra dVRFs and Oracles to create provably fair games with elements of randomness like critical hits and random item drops.
  3. Dynamic NFTs: power dynamic NFTs with Supra Oracles, allowing in-game items to update in real-time based on predefined triggers.
  4. Synthetic Assets: create, trade, and maintain synthetic assets on blockchains with Supra Oracles, bridging TradFi and DeFi experiences.
  5. Automated Liquidity Management: incorporate decentralized automation into liquidity management processes for position rebalancing and limit orders.
  6. Automated Trading Strategies: enable automated trading strategies for DeFi applications, including stop losses and asset management tools.
  7. Reliable Price Discovery: integrate reliable price discovery into protocols with real-time price feeds aggregated from multiple sources.
  8. Automated Lending: develop sophisticated lending protocols with cross-chain lending, collateral management, and liquidation automation.
  9. Data Synchronization: ensure consistency of records and data across legacy systems with Supra’s verifiable synchronization.
  10. Workflow Automation: bridge blockchain and enterprise applications for inter-organizational workflow automation with Supra Oracles.
  11. Interoperable CBDCs: secure and facilitate interoperability between different Central Bank DLTs with Supra Network.
  12. Open Banking APIs: enable direct interaction between blockchain infrastructure and legacy banking systems via public and gated smart contracts.
  13. Cross-chain DiD Aggregation: aggregate on-chain data from different blockchain universes and manage virtual identity across networks with Supra Oracles and Bridges.

More info about use cases you can find here:

Supra’s Oracle solutions:

At the forefront of the oracle revolution, Supra offers a suite of cutting-edge solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of decentralized applications. By leveraging advanced cryptographic techniques and robust consensus mechanisms, Supra ensures the integrity, security, and reliability of data transmitted to blockchain networks. Supra’s oracle empowers developers and businesses to build scalable, secure, and efficient decentralized applications, driving adoption and innovation across industries.

Current problems resolved by Supra Oracle:

  1. Data reliability: one of the primary challenges in blockchain applications is ensuring the reliability and accuracy of external data. Supra Oracle addresses this issue by employing advanced cryptographic techniques and consensus mechanisms to verify data integrity, minimizing the risk of false or tampered information.
  2. Data scalability: as blockchain networks continue to grow in size and complexity, scalability becomes a significant concern for Oracle solutions. Supra Oracle offers scalable infrastructure and efficient data transmission protocols, enabling seamless integration with various blockchain platforms and decentralized applications.
  3. Security and trust: trust is crucial in blockchain ecosystems, especially when relying on external data sources. Supra Oracle prioritizes security and trust by implementing robust encryption, authentication, and validation mechanisms, ensuring that only authenticated and verifiable data is transmitted to smart contracts.
  4. Cross-chain compatibility: interoperability between different blockchain networks is essential for the widespread adoption of Oracle solutions. Supra Oracle supports cross-chain compatibility, allowing seamless integration with multiple blockchain platforms and protocols, and enhancing flexibility and accessibility for developers and users.
  5. Real-time data feeds: many decentralized applications require real-time data feeds for critical functions such as financial transactions, supply chain management, and DeFi. Supra Oracle provides timely and accurate data feeds on various parameters, enabling developers to build innovative and responsive applications with up-to-date information.

Overall, Supra Oracle addresses existing Oracle solutions' current challenges and limitations, offering a reliable, scalable, and secure infrastructure for powering the next generation of decentralized applications and blockchain ecosystems.


As blockchain technology continues to evolve, the role of oracles will become increasingly indispensable in unlocking its full potential. From decentralized finance to supply chain management and beyond, oracles serve as the conduit between blockchain and the real world, ushering in a new era of trust, transparency, and innovation. With Supra leading the charge, the future of decentralized ecosystems looks brighter than ever.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the oracle revolution and embark on a journey towards a more connected and decentralized future with Supra’s advanced oracle solutions!

Explore official Supra documentation:

How to track Supra Oracle?

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Prepared by niniao



Nina Drokina

Dynamics 365 Practice Lead | PhD in Marketing & Doctor of Economic Sciences